Hello! 😃👋

Adriano Carvalho

Software Engineer

About Me

Bringing solutions through technology.

• Graduating in Information Systems.

• 4+ year experience

• Advanced English Level

• Studying Microservices Architecture and AWS/Azure DevOps



2022 - 2026
University of SĂŁo Paulo (USP)

Bachelor Degree in Information Systems at ICMC

2019 - 2021
ETEC FerrĂșcio Humberto Gazzetta

Technical Degree in Systems Development


Work Experiences

ASC Digital Tech (MEI)
2023 - now
Software Engineer

Working as a Full Stack Developer, I provided software services for many clients, in many industries, including:

• Executes Trade Marketing: ERP for finance integrating with FEBRABAN CNAB 240

• Wise RH: ERP for human resources

• Dealercont: ERP for sales commission

• DPA Brazil NestlĂ©: Internal File Management

• Cognimind: IT Solutions

• DNA Citizenship: Documents solutions

My main responsibilities included creating software projects using monolithic architecture for cloud publication on Azure and Internet Information Services (IIS), always adhering to the concept of clean code architecture.

In this role, I created databases in MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL, always using database versioning via Migrations, aiming to meet business rules and developing Web APIs in C#, always ensuring security with JWT for Authentication and Authorization. Additionally, on the front-end, I used React JS, Blazor, Stencil & Ionic, Angular, and other frameworks.

Shielder Tecnologia LTDA
2022 - 2023
Software Engineer Intern

First contact with production systems: during a 1-year internship, I worked on 5 projects. Two involved maintenance of Android and iOS apps in production, another was the development of an internal SDK in Python and JavaScript published on NPM, and finally, the development of two new products: a Windows desktop system developed in C#, using Asterisk VOIP communication, and an Android Java patrol app consuming Google Maps APIs and internal APIs hosted on AWS.

ICMC JĂșnior
2022 - 2023
Vice President

As Vice President of ICMC Junior, I led teams, managed human resources, legal, and financial aspects, handled cash flow, and spearheaded company restructuring, while also providing leadership and mentorship for new members.

2022 - 2022
Legal and Financial Director

In this position at ICMC JR. I was responsible for implemented cash flow structures to achieve surplus and debt restructuring. Besides that I've created a performance-based reward plan to members.

2022 - 2022

Create Blog content for Google SEO and updatade Pipefy CRM.


Clients Projects

Sub Control

A project developed during the Web/Mobile Development subject, is a Web application built in React Native with API's in Node JS with NoSQL MongoDB database.

Executa Trade Marketing

System for company financial control, entry of accounts payable and receivable, billing forecast and export of spreadsheets. Server built in ASP NET Core, Client in React, Database in MySQL and published on Azure.


This is the dealership's commission portal Dealercont, a system in SAAS format that integrates with Microworkcloud APIs. Client developed in Blazor, Server in ASP NET Core, databases in PostgreSQL and deployed in Azure.

Wise RH

I worked for 8 months building the employee portal, a SAAS-style system for HR management. Client in Ionic & Stencil, Server in ASP NET Core consuming the API that was made available in SOAP and local deployment on an IIS Server.

Executa Academy

An LMS system in SAAS format, currently with 3.100 simultaneous users. Built with the Laravel PHP framework, MySQL databases and implemented on Azure. I didn't work on development, I do sprints of specific corrections to improve the system.

Secrets Professional

This system aimed to help the Secrets Professional laboratory create mandatory documents for exporting products. Client built in React and Served in ASP NET Core, MySQL databases implemented in a Local IIS.

DPA Brasil

DPA files, this system is intended to be a "One Drive" exclusive to DPA (Nestlé). Server built on ASP NET Core, implementing Azure Blob Storage. Client in React, database in MySQL and deploy to Azure.

DPA Brasil

The distributor portal is an internal system that Executa Trade uses to manage projects together with DPA (Nestlé). I worked on improving database queries and integrations with Azure Blob Storage.

DNA Cidadania

I worked on sprints for corrections and updates to the system. Built in Ionic & Stencil, Server in ASP NET Core, database in SQL Server and doploy in Azure with Docker.

Monolithic Architecture

This is the monolithic structure to create all these applications, I specialize in creating Web APIs in the .NET environment, connecting to databases with Entity Framework and publishing to Azure.

What I am Good In

My Skills



Visual Studio 2022

Entity Framework





Spring boot


Type Script





SQL Server



Agile Frameworks (Scrum)


Adriano Carvalho © 2024.

All rights reserved.